The best (sorted by Impact Factor) articles authored by our Faculty employees in 2022 (last update: 31-12-2022).

The Minister of Education and Science awarded the Warsaw University of Technology the highest scientific category, A+, in the discipline of chemical sciences. The scientific discipline of chemical engineering ultimately received category A.

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The academic community of the Warsaw University of Technology stands in full solidarity with the Ukrainian nation at this harrowing moment for our neighbor. Nothing can justify the military aggression that Russia has carried out against Ukraine. In Europe so terribly affected by the drama of World War II, resulting in millions of victims, the behavior of the Russian authorities raises legitimate concerns about the future of the entire continent.


On September 2, 2024, the Dean and Vice Deans received their nominations for their positions from the Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology, Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba.

The 9th Shaping Conference will be organized jointly by the European Ceramic Society and the Warsaw University of Technology from 25th to 27th September 2024 in Warsaw, Poland

The event preceding the conference will be the Summer SchoolHow to shape ceramic ideas into real products – laboratory excellence versus industrial needs.

Description of PhD thesis topic: Development of electrochemical microsensors with integrated all-solid-state reference electrode for nitrate ions detection in freshwater

Location: work carried out mainly in France (LAAS-CNRS, University Toulouse III Paul Sabatier)

— Jérôme LAUNAY (LAAS-CNRS, University Toulouse III Paul Sabatier – France)
— Wojciech WRÓBLEWSKI(Faculty of Chemistry, Warsaw University of Technology – Poland)

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EU Horizon 2020 ASTRABAT project, part of which is carried out at the Faculty of Chemistry, Warsaw University of Technology (WUT project manager: Leszek Niedzicki), has come to the end with the end of 2023 after four years of work, bringing us closer to the development of the European high-performance all-solid-state lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles.
The project's critical work and innovation have been summarised in form of the handbook, video presentation as well as five informative packs on various technical aspects – from the electrolyte tailorisation to the fluorine-free ionic liquid plasticizers.

We are proud to announce that Dr Borowiecki (Faculty of Chemistry, Warsaw University of Technology), together with Dr Jennifer Bridwell-Rabb from the Department of Chemistry at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and Dr Sandy Schmidt from the Gröningen Research Institute of Pharmacy, University of Gröningen, will coordinate the edition of a Special Issue entitled: Chemoenzymatic synthesis in Nature: Communications Chemistry. 

How can the toxicity of cesium, which is frequently used but dangerous for people and the environment, be dealt with? What can help are nanomaterials containing sumanene. Artur Kasprzak, PhD, from the Faculty of Chemistry at the Warsaw University of Technology, is working on it. He is the only researcher in the world who specializes in such a use of this compound.

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